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Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor Untuk Usia Kendaraan 0 Sampai 10 Tahun Discount 25

Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor dari SamsungAnycar
Jaminan perlindungan :
Strike, Riot, Civil Commottion, Terrorism, Sabotage (SRCCTS)
Natural Perils (Flood, Windstroom, Earthquake, Tsunami & Vulcanic Eruption)
Third Party Liability with a limit of Rp. 5, 000, 000 any one accident
Personal Accident for driver limit up to Rp. 5, 000, 000, - with medical Rp. 500, 000
Personal Accident for passenger limit up to Rp. 5, 000, 000, - with medical Rp. 500, 000, -/person max 7 person

Dapatkan Discount 25%

For More information

Email : aidil@samsungtugu. co. id
Phone : 02129950010

For Rate Simulation visit our website at :

http :// www. samsungtugu. aspx

Harga : Rp. 3.000.000
Dikirim oleh : Aidil Makmur
No Tlp : 081513124470
Propinsi : Jakarta D.K.I.
Kab/Kota : Jakarta Pusat
Lihat detail di :
Kode Iklan : 11633