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Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Make Your Penis Healty

Simple Ways for a Healthy Penis
1. If you smoke, stop now. Smoking damages every part of your body, especially the circulatory system, and introduces dangerous chemicals directly into the blood.

2. You need physical exercise, and every day. It is estimated that you need at least 30 minutes of strenuous exercise daily as a minimum. To get testosterone levels up naturally, put yourself on a good weight lifting program. See your doctor first, and then ask a professional trainer to give you a special program suited to your body type, age, and physical condition. The testosterone levels will rise naturally. This is a proven fact.

3. Diet. If you are overweight, your penis will pay the price, along with your heart and every other critical organ. Eat plenty of fruits (in season only), and vegetables, lots of roughage

read more on www. herballight. blogspot. com

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